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You know that's the Evil Eye?

The ninth episode of my brand new podcast: The Street Angel

Ep9. You know that's the Evil Eye?

It is becoming more and more popular these days to not just wear the "evil eye" but to also have it plastered on everything in sight. If it sits still, it has an evil eye symbol slapped on it; not for protection from evil, but for commercialism of course!

But do you know the meaning behind this symbol?

In this episode I talk about the Evil eye in the context of Greek culture, where it is known as the the μάτι (mati), "eye", experiences with the eye, what it actually means and how to be more respectful of it, and broader symbolism belonging to other cultures.

While it is great to share and learn from other cultures, let's be respectful and not turn something sacred, ancient and powerful of theirs into a fad, aesthetic, or worse - a cheap item to make a dollar.

Listen. Critique. Subscribe.

About the Podcast:

"The Street Angel podcast showcases Angelo’s many years of experience living and working with Spirit.

From everyday encounters with spooks, heart warming stories about passed over loved ones, to wisdom brought forward from the beings of the Angelic and Galactic realms.

This is not a spiritual, new age or self-help style podcast - Angelo keeps concepts simple, messages grounded and even shares a little humour at his own expense!"


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