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The "Y" Channel; what does it mean to channel?

The tenth episode of season 2 of The Street Angel podcast

Ep10. The "Y" Channel; what does it mean to channel?


Do you ever wonder what I mean when I say that I have channeled a message from a certain collective such as the Dragons, Angels or other spiritual energies?

I mean, what exactly is channeling? Well, it’s an amazing process of being a direct connection to Spirit, which demands upmost respect, focused intention and practice. It is something that not all of us should do, nor do we all need to do either So, if you are interested to know more, have a listen, sit back and let me tell you all about Channelling P.S. I also introduce you to a very special Energy Collective of whom I channel, and who will be a huge focus of my Spirit work moving forward You will not want to miss out on this one Enjoy~!

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About the Podcast:

"The Street Angel podcast showcases Angelo’s many years of experience living and working with Spirit.

From everyday encounters with spooks, heart warming stories about passed over loved ones, to wisdom brought forward from the beings of the Angelic and Galactic realms.

This is not a spiritual, new age or self-help style podcast - Angelo keeps concepts simple, messages grounded and even shares a little humour at his own expense!"


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